Countdown till Tucson's first appearance!

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 162

hey lil one! I have to brag a little bit. lol This is my 50th post!!!! yay!!! I'm so pleased with myself for keeping this up. This is the longest I've ever remembered one of my blogs passwords, as well as wrote this many post!!! I think max, I've probably written 10, and they were all very sporadic.:) ok, I'm done now...I just had to tell you that for some reason.
Today, your daddy, sister, and I went to Buffalo to mail the prayer letters(and we did a little shopping of course:) I can't believe how much cheaper groceries are! For example, milk just blew me away, it was $1.45 for a gallon!!! For the price we pay in Canada for one gallon, in the states we could get 3 gallons!!! That's just the start! I do know prices vary per state, but that was a steal! I was able to Micah new school supplies for super cheap! It was unbelievable. I got him markers, crayons, colored pencils, sissors, glue, and something to put them in for a little over $5 dollars, where as here in Canada, it would've been well over $15 dollars. Alexa and I went to the mall while your daddy ran some errands. So many stores, so little money, or maybe so many stores, so little time! We ran out of time, before we ran out of money, which was good, but we did leave a lot of stuff behind that would've been nice to have. :)
It was day 3 for the boys and their basketball game. Samuel was awarded for coming everyday and for his hard work at everything he was told to do/work on.:) Its funny I went yesterday to pick them up, and they tower over almost every kid there. When they're at home I never really think of them as tall, because they're just my brothers, but out in public, they are very tall. One good thing is, they're very easy to find! lol Well, I think that's all, I love you!!!

Your Sister,

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