Dear Tucson, how are things in your world? It's great in mine. I just got back from church and it was a great service!!! Tonight was on cleaving to that which is good. It's so easy to abhor that which is evil, but to actually cleave to the good is difficult. I guess because it's just a battle in everyday to find time to cleave to the good, it's probably more of an excuse I use, and I need to change now that I think about it. I make time for anything, but the good stuff. In correlation to the study we went to the Old Testament in Deut. where Phinehas killed this Israelite and Midianite woman who had caused a plague to happen in Israel, because of that union that was not supposed to be there Israel started following a false God. If Phinehas had not of killed those two people, Israel may have continued on sinning, and the way many people worshiped that false god was by sacrificing their children in the fire. I know you're not my child, but I hope to have one of my own one day. I was thinking about how what we chose to serve affects the lives of our children. It was a very sobering thought.

On a more lighter note, we did finish the Christmas tree. :) It's beautiful. The pictures I have don't look the best because of all the lights, but just so you have an idea of what it looks like. My camera is too small to take a full shot, so I took a couple of small ones. The picture in the middle is a count down paper chain for the last 25 days till Christmas. He was so excited, he asked, "Can we do this every year?" lol :) Last night I was at my piano students and we were talking about the different ways to count down to Christmas and I told him when I was littler my mom would make a paper chain for us, so we knew how long it was going to be. Later I thought that would be really fun with Micah. :) So here is our version. We stamped up all the little links and then we wrote each day on them. Twas lots of fun. :)
I think it's time for me to hit the sack. I love you lots!! Come soon!
Your Sister,
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