Dear Little One, today day 250! I can't believe we've made it that far. I'm so happy. We were talking today, and the end is very near. I think your mommy switched modes, you can tell she's determined to have you. We went to the midwives for one of the last few times. Next Tuesday it's safe for you to come, so one more week and it could be any day. When Laura (she's the student, our other midwives were either at a birth or on Holiday.) was starting to look for you heartbeat, I panicked, I thought what if we can't hear it. You know I've read so many stories, heard about them, or even known people who faced it themselves, where they go to hear the heartbeat, and it's not there. (Your daddy always tells me I worry too much, which is true, I'm getting better, but sometimes I can't help myself.) I thought who am I, to where I should be any different or deserve to have my baby _____ live. There is nothing that sets me apart from anyone else, it's only by the grace of God that He would choose to let you live. All of this was going on in my mind in probably the time span 30 seconds, yet it seemed as if time stood still. Then she found it, tears came to my eyes, words cannot express how relieved I felt. I feel blessed that God would choose to let you live. I love you little one, more than words can say.
Your Sister,
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