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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 228

Dear Little One! How is life in your world? Everything is good here. Today's Sunday, so we went to church. We had two new visitors, which was a great blessing and encouragement. Our Pastor used to go and teach once a week at a group home. When he was no longer able to go, he left tracts and Bibles in the lobby type area. There was a new worker at the group home, who found them. She had been looking for a Baptist Church, so she called the other day to ask for directions. She came today and brought a friend with her. :)
Two weeks ago the pastor asked us to make a list of things that we knew where true since God was all-powerful. I forgot, but this morning I was making mine out and as I was thinking, somewhere in the middle the Lord showed me one, that I will probably remember for the rest of my life. Since God is all-powerful I am never alone. I am never alone, such comforting words! The basis for that truth is found in Heb. 13, "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." No matter where you are, you may be in the lowest hell or on the  highest moutain, Jesus will NEVER leave you. Another verse says, "nothing can separate us from the love of Christ" There are so many verses that I could give to you to show you that Jesus will never leave you. No matter where you or or what you do, Jesus will never leave you or forsake you. I love you!!!

Your Sister, 

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