Dearest lil one, I hope you having fun today! Having you been jumping around on your lil "trampoline"? Today, your finger nails and toenails are just starting to grow out from under their beds:) I can't wait till hold your lil fingers, and have them wrap around my fingers, or kiss your lil toes! I think a baby's feet and hands are so cute.:)
Today, I cleaned the house and did a lot of laundry. Mondays are my "off" days, and the only days I don't do anything, so I try to do as much house work as I can, so during the week it's easy to keep up with. Although, at times I coulda swore a bomb exploded while I was gone! lol Oh, well, I try. Your mommy has come up with a new schedule, so your sister and I take turns cooking every night. It's all new to me, I generally don't cook much, since it's not my favorite thing to do. Generally, your sister, Alexa, cooks and I clean. Anyway, I'm game for new things, so far it's going alright, only one of us have burnt a meal:) (I won't tell you which one of us it was, cuz I don't want your sister to get mad at me...oh, wait....did I just say that???!!!! hahaha-don't worry I still love you sis! ;) Cooking has been different, I wouldn't exactly call it fun, but it's doable. Now baking on the other hand, is a blast! I love my sweets:) I have to workout so it doesn't show, you'll understand what I mean one day. ;) lol
Your sister is playing baseball on the radio, which I think is really boring. I hope she doesn't get back into the hang of this. She used to listen to EVERY game of the about boring! Live baseball games can be fun though, depending on who's playing, or who your with.:p We geneally go to our minor league team on Wednesday nights after church, but their season is coming to a close, so the games aren't as often:( well, Tucson, I think imma close this post. I love you!!!!
Your Sister,
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