Countdown till Tucson's first appearance!

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 137

Hey precious! How are you today???!!! Your mommy felt you again today, she said you were feeling squished when she was lying against this pillow and kicked her till she moved it. :) Today, I took Micah to this playtime at the YMCA, we walked for 30 min to get there (I never realized how much longer that seems with an 8 year old. lol) He was so excited, he packed us a lunch (peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and fruit) to eat when we got there before he went to play. He played for a awhile, the it was time for him to go to tykwando (I don't know how to spell that) so he put his dobok on, then went to class withhis daddy. He got a new strip on his belt, he was so proud. He couldn't wait to go home and tell your mommy. The picture below was taken the day Micah got his dobok. (pronounced dobo)

After that your daddy, Landon, Micah and I went to an in home Bible study a lady in our church has for her friends and neighboorhood. Her hope is that since many people won't come to church, but will come to her home for dinner, they can still hear the Gospel. So far many have come, we're just waiting for the seeds that have been planted to springforth and people will be saved! Well, that's all for tonight, I love you!

Your Sister,

Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 136

Dearest lil one! How are you doing? Do you like the lil gadget I put up of your countdown till you pop out? I guess it's not really "popping out", but that's what some people call it. :) I thought it was so cute! Although, it did sadden me a bit, it's around 144 days till you get here, which mean I have to write a 144 blog posts until then!!! It will be a miracle, I've never even remember my blog password for that long, I think I'm in waaay over my head, but oh, well, I always do that. So far I've always managed to keep my head above water.:)
Nothing funny or interesting has happened today. Your daddy and I have started a blog together, (yes, he has finally made it to the 21st century!) Our goal is to encourage other Christians in their walk with God. It's so easy to get sidetracked from keeping God first, one day you'll know what I mean. I wish that you would never know what I mean. I wish you would never have your sweet little innocence taken away from you, but I also know that if that wish came true you would never be able to feel and enjoy life to the fullest. Your daddy once told me he wished he was a dog, and I said if you were a dog you would miss out on so much. You would never know what it was like to live, to love, to get married, to have children, to have friends, to go on adventures, the list goes on, but if you were to choose the easy life, you would miss out so much. You see Tucson, yes, there are bad times in life, but if you never went through them you wouldn't appreciate the good. The key is to keep your eyes on Jesus, and you can do anything. I love you lil one!

Your Sister,

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 135

Dear Baby,
Today, I have a surprise for you!!!! I know you've probably seen it by now, but I've included a picture of your mommy!!! She is so beautiful! We are so proud of our mommy. So far she hasn't let us take (well, minus the ones we snuck while she was sleeping on the couch, but don't tell her:) any with her face showing. She promised to straighten her hair for the last couple of days so we could do a mini photo shoot, but she hasn't. She claimed she hasn't had the strength, but I think she's just putting it off. :)

Your mommy felt you move today! She was so excited. I can't wait till I can feel you kick. Ever since Samuel was born, I've always counted down the days till I could feel all my siblings kick. It is so special, I can't wait for Micah to be able to experience it for the first time! Well, I gotta go read Micah his bedtime story. I love you!!!

Your Sister,

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 134

Dear lil one! I'm starting to write this early tonight, because were going to a baseball game after church, (hopefully, it's not rained out!) and I'm super tired, so by the time I get home I'll probably forget.:) Your mommy and sister Alexa have been craving homemade ice cream, so today they decided to try a new recipe. It was peanut butter reese cup, which was so rich and delicious! Generally, when we make it we buy the ice, but to save money this time, we froze gallon size zipper bags with water, and well as an orange juice carton...the only problem with that is we had to get it small enough to fit in the ice cream maker. So therefore began the fun of breaking it down to fit into the ice cream maker. First, they began breaking it with frying pans inside the house, that was so loud so they took it outside wrapped it in a towel and tied it to the fence, and we broke it with a baseball bat. I know it seems rather childish, but I couldn't resist, so I went and joined the fun! We are crazy I tell you, but we do have fun!
I'm sorry this post is a little late, I thought I would get back in time to write more, but the game was delayed one hour due to rain, plus extra innings, which our team lost.:( I was so dissapointed, but they were strong and fought hard till the end, so I was proud of them! I do hope they win this weekend, or we will be out of the playoffs. I'm gonna go to bed now, I love you!!

Your Sister,

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 133

Dear baby, today you are 19 weeks old!!!! yay!!!! We are almost half way there. I have no idea how I'm ever gonna be preggo, I would have to WAIT (something I hate!) for 9 months to have my baby. I have so lil patience at times. lol brb...ok, I'm back. :) Your lil brother Micah and I have started a thing where I read him a story before he goes to bed. So far we've made it about a week and a half, so we'll see how that goes...He gets the most boring library books, so I told him I'm picking them out next time. :) lol
Today, I went to the other side of town to teach piano. I love the subway rides, it's fun to people watch. I don't really care for the bus ride though, they're old and bumpy, but oh, well.
Tonight your sister made stryfry, it was so good!! I always tell her she's gonna make a good wife someday, when ever she finds a guy I approve of, which God knows when that :) Guess what???? Your daddy got his new glasses! I'm sooo happy, they look so good. I hope he trashed the other pair, I forgot to ask him...I never want to see those again! I will have to make sure of that. hehe:) well, lil one, I think imma call it an early night. I love you!!!

Your Sister,

Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 132

hey lil one!!! How are you today? Serveral of us have been struggling with our allergies.:( Micah wanted to make something sweet today, so I said ok. I decided we should make peach pie(one of your mommy's favorites!) I thought it might cheer her up, since she's been having a few bad days. So we made pie crust, let it chill, and rolled it out. I got can of peaches, drained them, and added them to the pie. I made the top layer of crust and put it in the oven. When I got home, it was kinda runny, so your mommy asked me, did you put cornstarch in the peaches? I said no, I didn't know I was supposed to. Then she said gave me a few other ingredients. So I told her what I did, and she said, you have to make it like when you make apple pie(we make that one from scratch) so long story short, I thought canned peaches were like cherry pie filling, we never make the cherry filling ourselves. Notice I said PIE FILLING? not CANNED cherries???? Until today I never realized there was a difference, but there is. lol:) So the pie did turn out ok, a lil runny and kinda bland with no flavor. lol At least I know next time.:)

Today, has been an exciting day! I'm just thrilled to piece to tell you this story, as soon as I heard it, I knew I had to tell you.:) Ok, sooooo once a upon a time (hahahah) there was this man that came to our church for a while, he later left for reasons, I can't remember. Anyway, it's been at least 4 years, since he came. On Sunday, my dad checked his voice mail, and he had a call from this man. He said, he got a flyer (the ones we've been passing out on Sundays for our special service on Sept. 5th) and he wanted to come and also wanted a Bible study. He called back today to chat with my dad, and to give my dad his address. You'll never believe this, but the address he had was no where near where we passed out tracts/flyers. It was closer to downtown, and were on the west side of Toronto. The only way he got a flyer was either he picked one up off the ground (which is what I'm believing) or he had been visiting a friend, and saw one. I just can't get over how good God was, my witnessing partner and I saw some flyers on the ground, and wondered if we should pick them up, but decided to leave them there just in case someone would pick them up and read it. God is so good to think that some how God went over and above so this man could once again have a chance to either get saved or serious! I'm just amazed at God's power! I'd tell you "the end" but I can't, because this story's not over yet. There's so much God wants to do in this man's life, and I can't wait to see what else He does!!! I love you!!!

Your Sister,

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 131

Hey precious!! There's this song that says, "It's a great day to be alive, you know the sun's still shinning when I close my eyes..." Every time I have a good day, that song always comes to my mind. Today has defiantly been a great day. This is our second Sunday for our summer adventure at church. It went really well, we had even more people come to pass out tracts/knock doors. I love it. I will be sad when winter comes. :( Oh, well, I'm sure God has a different plan. The longer you stay out, the easier it is. I now know why, when in the Bible they went out my twos. It's amazing how having another person who believes like you do by your side, can encourage you. When you by yourself passing out tracts, you don't have as much boldness(or at least I don't), but when you do, it's just well, different.:)
Since we've started the summer adventure the spirit in the services have been better. Your daddy said it's due to the fact that we're actually doing "service" instead of going to "service." I think he's right. So many times we just sit at church expecting to be fed, (which to a measure we're supposed to do) instead of going out and serving. Anyway, I'm rattlingly on again about stuff way over your head! I love you!

Your Sister,

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 130

Hey lil one! We've made it to yet another digit!!! Gone are the 120's, we shall never see them again.:) Today was a very eventful day for your sister and I. We went downtown and had a blast together!!!! I love downtown, it's the best at night, but I would never turn down a chance to go downtown! I'm do hope you love it just as much as I do, however, if you don't I will understand, you either like the city or you don't. I love it, but it is nice to get a break here and there.:)
Your ears are starting to poke out of your head this week. I think it's amazing how God planned each intricate detail, of how you would grow each week. It is truly amazing. I often wonder how God planned everything out. Did He spend an eternity past preparing to make the first man? Did He in one day just create man? Or was it neither and He knew the whole time? I try to wrap my brain around God, and I just can't. The Bible says, He's the Alpha and Omega, the BEGINNING and the end. Gods always been there, but when I think about Him, I'm always looking for a beginning for when God started, but God never started, which blows my mind away!
I hope everything is going great in your word. I love you!!!

Your Sister,

Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 129

Hey precious!! Guess what???? We got a bassinet for you!!! (well, at least your daddy bought it.:) It's soo cute!!! It has a mobile, it plays 3 different songs, and it has a mini night light for you.:) This is the first piece of baby furniture we've had in a LONG time. It seems surreal!!! It seems like we're in a dream, yet everytime I wake up, I realize it's true. I can't wait till I can hold you in my arms!!!!!
Today, we had breakfast for dinner, one of my favorites! I love biscuts and gravy, but they made your mommy very sick, so I'm guessing it's safe to say, we won't be having them for a LONG time. lol Micah made us jello for dessert, which he was so proud of! He wanted to eat it before it was done, so he took it out a flipped it. All of it didn't come out, but it made a lil have shape moon, which he thought was perfect.:)
Well, sorry this post is short, but I don't know what else to tell you! I love you!!!!

Your Sister,

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 128

Dear Tucson, how are you today? Things are good here. I was craving something sweet. I wanted something different, something from the norm of what we generally bake. After going through 5 cookbooks, I finally found something that sounded good, and we had all the ingredients for, well, minus the M&Ms. So I sent your brother, Samuel, to the convience store to get us some.:) I made a pizza cookie, with m&ms, then I shredded a candy bar on top. It looked and tasted yummy!;)
We are watching this movie called, "The Love Letter." it's really weird, I'm hoping the ending is satisfactory. Sometimes I have no idea how some movies actually made it. I do enjoy a good movie though, I think they're one of the best inventions. It's something quiet (emphasis on the QUIET lol:) and relaxing we can do as a family.
Your mommy has found a bassinet and a baby swing for you. She was getting you a crib, but I guess she changed her mind for now. She said she will get one later, the bassinet is just for the beginning. It's going to be very different having a baby around. Today, someone gave you or us our first baby gift. I'm not sure what is the correct term. People give you stuff and say, here I got this for you. I mean the baby is the one using all of it, its not like the mother of the baby can wear oneies?! seriously people!!! I really have no idea why they say that, I guess it really doesn't matter anyways. lol Needless to say, whoever they're for, you have the cutest little socks to keep your feet warm this winter! I love you!!!!

Your Sister,

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 127

Dear lil one, I thought of you today, when I walked by a store that sold baby clothes. I wanted to go in and buy you something, but since I don't know if your a boy or girl yet, so I decided to wait.:) Don't worry though I will buy you plenty of clothes when you get here.
There's nothing really exciting to tell you about today. Today was mundane. I went and taught piano lessons. Summer school for the boys. After dinner we went and chilled at the mall. We went to Micky Ds for a snack and people watched. Now that was fun! lol Some people are crazy to watch-it was fun. On the walk home, we did our normal routine of Nikki-9-door. lol we have so much fun kiddo. Your gonna have a blast when you're older!
I was listening to this song this morning titled, "Somewhere in the Middle" the lyrics are amazing. Tucson, they so perfectly descibe the way most people live their lives. The thing is I honestly believe everyone wants to jump out of the boat in faith, but were stuck, were stuck between the God we want and the who IS. We have reckless abandonment wrapped in common sense. We want to have faith that God can do anything, but at the same time we let common sense decide what that anything is. I think the hardest part of the Christian life is, letting go and losing ourselves completely in Christ. We so much want to have an identity in the world. I know right now this is way over your head, but one day it will all make sense. You see, God has blessed us Harpers with so much, we may not be rich, but God has given all of us much spiritually, physically, and mentally. Because of that, we take pride in who we are or what we can do instead of what Christ can do through us. It's a constant battle, one thing I've learned though, is if only for a few moments in time when Christ has everything (before I let common sense take over) it's the most awesome, beautiful, amazing thing ever. I don't know why I ever go back, why isn't we're afraid to completely trust what will only make us stronger? I don't know yet, but I hope to have the answer before you need it. I love you, Tucson!!!

Your Sister,

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 126

Hey you! Today you are 18 weeks old! We've made it through another week. Your sister, Alexa, announced via facebook another Harper would be joining us in December....I guess it's official now that it's on facebook-the whole world knows. lol
At the dinner table is when we(your family) all sit together to eat(obviously) and to talk. It's the one time of the day when we slow down, and catch up on each other's lives. During the day several of us are gone or busy. Sometimes it's the only time we see someone for that day, so it's fun. The conversation varies each night, sometimes it's very serious and other times it's just a fun filled time cracking jokes. For as long as we can remember, your mommy has always told us, if we lie, we better pray God doesn't strike us down with lightening. So if some ones exaggerates the truth or lies, one of will scoot our chairs back, and say you better watch out lightening`s coming! lol A couple of weeks ago, I was saying something(I can't remember what) and your brother Samuel thought I was telling a lie, so he runs out of the room. Thus a new tradition was born, if some one lies or exaggerates the truth, one person will run out of the room. The other day your mommy was saying, something that was a definite exaggeration, so all of us left the dinning room table running. It was so funny!!! Life is crazy at the Harper house sometimes, but we always (well most of the time:) try to make it fun! I hope you enjoy our crazy life! I love you!!!

Your Sister,

Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 125

Dearest lil one, I hope you having fun today! Having you been jumping around on your lil "trampoline"? Today, your finger nails and toenails are just starting to grow out from under their beds:) I can't wait till hold your lil fingers, and have them wrap around my fingers, or kiss your lil toes! I think a baby's feet and hands are so cute.:)
Today, I cleaned the house and did a lot of laundry. Mondays are my "off" days, and the only days I don't do anything, so I try to do as much house work as I can, so during the week it's easy to keep up with. Although, at times I coulda swore a bomb exploded while I was gone! lol Oh, well, I try. Your mommy has come up with a new schedule, so your sister and I take turns cooking every night. It's all new to me, I generally don't cook much, since it's not my favorite thing to do. Generally, your sister, Alexa, cooks and I clean. Anyway, I'm game for new things, so far it's going alright, only one of us have burnt a meal:) (I won't tell you which one of us it was, cuz I don't want your sister to get mad at me...oh, wait....did I just say that???!!!! hahaha-don't worry I still love you sis! ;) Cooking has been different, I wouldn't exactly call it fun, but it's doable. Now baking on the other hand, is a blast! I love my sweets:) I have to workout so it doesn't show, you'll understand what I mean one day. ;) lol
Your sister is playing baseball on the radio, which I think is really boring. I hope she doesn't get back into the hang of this. She used to listen to EVERY game of the about boring! Live baseball games can be fun though, depending on who's playing, or who your with.:p We geneally go to our minor league team on Wednesday nights after church, but their season is coming to a close, so the games aren't as often:( well, Tucson, I think imma close this post. I love you!!!!

Your Sister,

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 124

Hey precious!!! I wish you could've been here today, it was a beautiful day! Today, we started out our summer adventure at church, where we knock doors and/or pass out tracts/flyers in the morning. I LOVED it!!! I was a lead partner, at first I was thinking, why in the world did I decide to be lead instead of silent partner. I always freak out when starting conversations. Anyway, God helped me ge over my fear, and each time it gets easier. Today, my partner was Yodit, we had a good time. I'm so excited, I can't wait till next week. I think this will be great in our church, for our community to see us out trying to reach people.
Tonight in church your daddy(he's the preacher) was talking about how we shouldn't complain when it's hot. (that's not what the sermon was on, it was just bonus) He went on to talk about how God made us sweat glands so we could sweat to help us cool off. As he was talking he said, God took dirt and created us! We have such intricate details, to have come from dirt. How did He know to give us sweat glands to help us cool off in heat??!! God truly is amazing! I loved science in school when we learned about the human body parts, and all their functions. Oh, Tucson, God did that with dirt!!! When I think about the fact that God Almighty not only let's us serve Him, but also wants us to serve Him is amazing and humbling at the same time. He treats us so much better than we deserve. When I look over my life, and look at all the times I've failed Him, I sit here in amazement that God will chose to love me! ME! I owe Him so much. Well, I must go, I love you, dear lil one!

Your Sister,

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 123

Dearest lil one! How are things in your world?! Your mommy is feeling better today. Ever since that one night she cooked dinner, she tried to do too much, and it wore her out. So she's been taking it easy, and she looked better today. I often wonder, do you know when your mommy's sick?? Can you feel when she's all tired and worn out? I should look into that. I love learning about new stuff! I've read most of your mommy's books on pregnancy. The midwife told me about this one book I should, which I just remembered about today, I guess I'll have to go back to the Library next week. I went today to get that Shakeshpere play, but they didn't have it. So I put it on hold, and I brought home 3 of his other works. I read Macbeth in school, and surprisingly I rather liked it.(I mostly hate all writings unless they're from my day, except for history books.)
I'm kind-of drawing a blank of what to tell you today, so I'm going to close this post, and go to bed, I'm falling sleep in my chair. I love you!!

Your Sister,

Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 122

Hey you!!! It's 11:11 make a wish!!! I know you prolly thinking I'm crazy...which I prolly am, but it's sooo much fun! All of your siblings and I make wishes everyday. Some of them actually come true...I don't know if it's cuz it's 11:11, fate, or just plain old luck. I personally like to believe it's just a magical time, it just adds to life. :)
Tonight, your sister and I went to go see a Shakesphere play. It was horrible, I think William Shakesphere turned in his grave tonight. lol although, I was rather intriged. Tomorrow I am going to the library to check out the play, and see how close it is. The acting sucked, the clothing was no where near the time era, and their accents were terrible. However, all that aside, surprisingly, I rather enjoyed myself! Yes, I am shocked to say. lol We half-way thought about leaving, but I wanted to stay because they had my attention, and I HAD to see what happened. I would go into another one, but a little more upscale. :)
Your brother Micah has been begging me for his Christmas gift, he thinks I'm made of money for some reason lol. He believe Christmas is close, since you will be born around Christmas. The other day he wanted this Lego set that cost, $119. I was like Micah I am not buying you that, it's so much money! So he goes to my jewelery box, gets the money I had put in there, he said, "here's, $50, you're almost half way there!!! I couldn't help but laugh.;) He has now decided he wants a playdough kit, which I told him was more reasonable. Your mommy found him a recipe to make playdough, and he was going to make it, and then he tells me, Larra, I think it's a waste to make playdough, after all I'm getting some in 5 months and 4 days, I'll just wait. rofl!!!! He is too funny, you're gonna love him. Well, I'm gonna end this post, I love you!!!

Your Sister,

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 121

hey lil one!! How are you today? My body is so tired and worn out, my legs just hurt, and I have no idea why. Other than that everything is good.:) Your mommy was able to start going back to the chiropractor this week. (her doctor had to have her gallbladder removed, so she was out for 2 weeks.) It helps her feel better. After the appointment the other day, they went and got a slushie from 7/11. Micah loves to go, so he wanted to go again today, but your mommy told him, "papa, (that's what we call your daddy) only buys 7/11 once a month." So then he goes, that's how I can count how much longer till the baby gets here. So when he got home, he told everyone you're five slushies away from being born! Isn't that the cutest little thing? I loved it!
Tonight your sister and I went with your daddy to try and find him some new glasses. He hasn't had a new pair in 8 YEARS!!! He sooooo cheap, we've been begging him to get new ones for about 6 years. lol He had 3 pairs, one pair was the most hideous they were HUGE frames from the 80's, the second pair were decent, but they fell out of the car somewhere on the road, and his last pair are so bent up, well, they should be trashed! So we find him two pairs of glasses, they look nice and they're from this decade, for $200 dollars, and he's sitting there trying to decide if that's a good deal and if he should buy them!!!! I told him like 10 times that was a really good deal. ugh! Your father is so cheap sometimes. So finally we convince him to buy them, but first he has to go get a perscription, so hopefully, he won't change his mind.:p lol well, lil one, I think I'm gonna go to bed, I barely got this one in on day 121! I love you!!

Your Sister,

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 120

hey you!!! We've finally made it to a new digit! I loved math, so therefore, I love numbers. lol So its impressive to me, when you reach a new level! I wonder what you will think of school, I know it's so far away, but I hope you love it. I loved school, your mommy didn't like it, but your daddy did. I think that where I got my love for learning, although your mommy did love math. She's the best teacher! Among your siblings, each of us all have a different opinion of how we feel about school. I've been helping your brother, Micah, out with school some while your mommy's been sick, and I love it. It really tries the limited amount of patience I have, (lol) but I do enjoy it. When Micah reads his stories to me, it amazing, I so wish I could give him my love for reading, he hasn't caught on quite yet, but I'm really trying to encourage him, and I think he does enjoy it to a measure. I always said if I had kids, I would home-school them, but they would go to school to learn how to read, because I wasn't sure I could do it. You know what, Tuscon? I think I can, if anything I would want to teach them to read, and then send them to school. I think it would be one of the best things in the world to give my child a love for reading. You see, ever since I was little, I loved to read, I would read anything I could get my hands on, well, not anything. My best friend growing up, he read every book in his house including the dictionary! I was not that motivated, I think the farthest I got was page 2. :) As I said in a different post, my itouch charger died :( and I still haven't gotten a new one, I'm hoping I can tomorrow, but I've been reading a LOT since I can't get on the internet, minus for this, to get on facebook, chat, email, or surf, it really frees up my time. I never realized how much I was on that thing, well, I did, but I think I was in denial. haha Anyway, I think it's been good for me, I can shut my itouch off, and there are other things I can do in my spare time. Don't worry though, I'm still going to do my best to write on here everyday! I love you!

Your Sister,

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 119

Hey beautiful!!! Today, you're 17 weeks old!!!! I'm so excited, 3 more weeks and we're half way there. Time is slowly moving by, yet at the same time it is moving by fast. I went and got my haircut today, I really like the cut. Last time I got it cut, it was terrible, but it eventually grew out. Since you're mixed, it's so hard to find people who can cut your hair(unless your a boy). Your mommy will cut your hair if your a girl, until you're old enough to want a style, then I will cut it. I cut your mommy and your big sister's hair. Your daddy will cut your hair if your a boy, until you want a style, then your big brother, Samuel, will cut it. He's really good at cutting hair, people in our neighborhood come to our house for him to cut it. Hair is so fun to play with, I love cutting/styling it. Hair is a big thing in our must be the black in our family. lol :)
Your brother, Micah, is so funny. He has no conscience of time, he can tell time, but he doesn't understand it. lol Today, your mommy told him to brush his teeth, put his bed clothes up, and something else. She said, "hurry, up you only have 9 minutes." So he's standing at the patio door taking his socks off, then your mom said, "hurry, up you only have 8 minutes." So he says, "I thought you said I had 9 minutes." Your mommy replies, "you wasted one minute." lol All of us died laughing. Your brother always says things to make us laugh. He is fun to be around!
Well, I must end this most your mommy has told me 10 times she wants to go to bed, so I have to go put the clean sheets on. I love you!

Your Sister,

Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 118

hey precious!!!! How are things in your world?! They say, when your in the womb, it's the most beautiful thing for a baby. The mother and child create their close bond, that will hopefully last a life time. When I went to the midwife with your mommy, she was explaining things to me about how the child feels loved in the womb, it was amazing. My favorite thing she told me, was call Braxton Hicks. I knew they were mild contractions that happen in the pregnancy, but she said, when they happen the baby feels a lil squeeze, like a hug! I thought that was the neatest thing. To think that the God that created the entire universe, cares so much about you, He worked it out so that in the simple process (or not so simple lol)of preparing your mommy's body to give birth to you, her whole body would hug you. Isn't that amazing? Oh, lil one, I can't wait till you get to know my God, He is the best thing to ever happen to you. We your family will always love you no matter what, but at times we will fail you, but God will NEVER fail you. Tucson, even from the beginning He wanted you to know you were loved, He will stay with you till the end. baby, I love you!

Your Sister,

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 117

Hey lil one!!!! How are you today? Today, was beautiful, the weather was perfect, it looked like it was going to storm, but didn't. I love the weather right before it storms! It's so peaceful outside. You will understand what I mean one day. It was a bitter-sweet day today at church. We have been using the library to meet for church on Sunday's, but during the summer they raise the prices, so we can't afford them. So we're meeting at the Salvation Army till September. It will be good to see what the Lord does, but it will still be different. Change sometimes is good, but for me? I hate change. lol I don't mind trying something new, but only for a lil bit. So in the morning's we will pass out tracts/talk to people and invite them to church for our big day of "new beginnings" on Sept 5, then at night we will be in the salvation army. It should be interesting, although I HATE the piano there. It really sucks, it's out of key and a lot of the keys don't work, but oh, well. I do hope you can play the piano, it's an amazing instrument, I think it's the best one out there. I hope your having fun today! I love you so much.

Your Sister,

p.s. Sorry, the post is so short today, my itouch charger broke, and I tried to get a new one, but I have to go to a different store. So your siblings and I went to the internet cafe, (cuz we're facebook addicts lol) and split the time, and my times up. love you!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 116

Dear lil one, I'm drawing a blank today...I don't know what to tell you about. Generally, before I start the new post I have an idea of what I want to say. Today, all of your older siblings and I went to the mall. (We go there generally every week or every other week. I love to shop, but not that much. It's just that's one of the few free things you can do in Toronto.)We were looking at shoes in Foot Locker, and we found you the cutest shoes. If your a boy, we found you Air Jordan's. (Basketball is the family's favorite sport. Your two brothers, Samuel and Landon, love to play. Your daddy played college basketball and your grandpa played pro.) If your a girl we found you Chuck Taylor's, they were adorable! They were turquoise blue. You dear child, are going to be the best dressed baby on the block! We can't wait to buy you clothes, even your big brother, Micah, who is 8 wants to buy you clothes. You're the first baby to enter into this family when most of the siblings had a job, so therefore you will be spoiled.:)
You're mommy is doing better today, she even made dinner for us while we were at the mall. I was thrilled! I can't remember the last time she made us a whole meal. Maybe there is a light somewhere at the end of this tunnel. Always believe, dear child, always believe. For faith is what gives you the courage to do the things you can't do, the strength to keep going when all seems in vain, and the hope that when all else fails Jesus will be there for you. That is one thing I've learned through my life, never give up, dare to believe, and try the impossible. I love you!!!

Your Sister,

Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 115

Dear lil one, I wonder what your doing today, and what you look like. Today, you're 16 weeks and 3 days. I wish I knew if you're a boy or a girl, we will find out in 4 more weeks what gender you are. It's seems like so far away, I wish I could hold you today. Your mommy is paranoid that she's getting really BIG, she is, but she's not as big as she think she is. She's just getting bigger faster than most mom's do. In fact, since she was big so fast, we thought you had another sibling in there with you! We were, however, wrong. She says, she's as big as Tucson, AZ, but she's not. We call her belly/you Tucson, so that's your lil nickname. It's so much more fun now that I have something to call you. None of the other one's had nicknames before you were born. The doctor thinks you are a boy, so Tucson is perfect:) I hope you are a girl, but I will love you just the same if your a boy. If you are a girl, I know you can do anything. According to stats, after you've had 2 babies of the same sex, it's almost impossible to have a child of the opposite sex. You dear child, have three brother's before you. So to be a girl, your will have defied all odds, and proved statistics wrong! :)
It rained most of the day, which was nice. It cooled the weather off. I love the rain, except for when my hairs straight or when I have outdoor plans. lol The rain is an amazing thing, I think it's beautiful, because when it rains it's as if the whole world stops and slows down. Can you believe God in His amazing glory, can use a drop of water, or many drops of water to calm the entire world down? Pretty amazing stuff. Today, your sister and I were delivering flyers, and we stopped and sat on this guys yard, to talk/vent to each other. We sat for about an hour, and then we see this guy get out of his car, look at us weird. Then walk up his steps, he was probably thinking what in the world are these crazy girls doing?! Were pretty crazy together, your sister and I, but we have a lot of fun together!
Take good care of your mommy, she's really sick all the time. It seems like forever since we've had our "mom" with us. Before you were thought of, she had gallbladder problems for almost a year, and then she finally, had it out, and before that it was migranes. She was just starting to recover, and she got pregnant with you. When your bigger, your mother will always tell you, I carried you in my tummy for nine LONG months, when she wants you to do something for her. Tucson, it's only 3 months and it seems like forever. I don't know how in the world women do it. I can see first hand what it cost to have you come into the world. I know it will be worth it when your here, but all of your siblings really miss our mommy. I love you!

Your Sister,

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 114

Dear lil one, how are you doing today?? I'm extremely tired, I think it's because I've been keeping really late hours. I was supposed to go volunteer today, but I overslept so I'm going to go tomorrow. (I do generally go on time, and I work very hard, but today was a first. lol I always believe that saying, "There's a first for everything in life." :) Have you grown any more? I read in a pregnancy book you grow some more everyday. I do know you're very energetic. When your mommy went to her first midwife appointment, she thought she was due in November, meaning you were 15 weeks along, but you weren't so they couldn't hear your precious heartbeat. They then told your mommy to go straight to the doctor and get an ultrasound to make sure you were ok. It was then we learned you weren't coming till December, because you were only 11 weeks old. (we generally can't heart your heartbeat till 12 weeks)Everything was fine, you were perfectly growing! In the ultrasound, you were so energetic and hyper! Your mommy has to eat 6-7 meals a day, and I'm not talking about snacks, MEALS, to feed you and herself, so I know you're very active. You were using one of your mother's muscles jumping on it as if it were a trampoline! I hope your like me, with my personality. I'm always moving, very headstrong, independant, and determined. If you're not I will still love you, so don't worry. You see with my personality comes some bad tendacies, too. Sometimes it's hard to know when to just sit still and enjoy life. Other times it's so hard to decide what to be stubborn about, your other sister Alexa(don't worry, I will tell you all about her in a different post) gave me this quote which I love. It is, "Life is a balance of holding on and letting go." that is the key, dear child, but it's so easy to stubbornly want your way no matter what, instead of being unmoved by the world and going forward for Jesus. Everyday it is a struggle to decide what to hold on to and what to let go. I know sometimes life might be difficult, but don't worry it is worth it. Life is a beautiful gift from God. Well, lil one, I must go for now, I may write more later, or I might wait till tomorrow. I love you so much!

Your Sister,

p.s. I know yesterday I wrote it was day 112, it was actually, day 113. I was so tired I made a lotta mistakes. I just wanted so bad to get this started, the idea came to me while I was playing to piano at church, and afterwards your other siblings and I (minus Samuel) went to a baseball game, so we didn't get home till late.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 112

Hey lil one! Today, you are 16 weeks old and 1 day. Time seems to be dragging by, I've never known 9 months to be so long. Life seemed to be flying by untill your mommy told all of us we were going to get a new sibling. She told us the wonderful news after dinner on, April 26. We were playing this guessing game, where someone describes something and we have to guess what it is. When it was momma turn to play, that was how she told us. She gave us the following hints: its another word for sibling, it's either a brother or sister, and your getting a new one in November. (Your actually coming in December, she just thought she had been preggo an extra month, which was very disappointing, but don't worry, lil one, we want you to be healthy and strong, so take your time growing!) As we all sat in shock several of us started screaming, "whaaaaaaaat????!!!!" you see, we haven't had a new sibling for 8 years! We had always wanted another sibling, but your mother thought she was done, however, God chose otherwise, and for that we are very grateful. (no, you were not an accident or a surprise. God in His own wisdom told both of your parent individually that you were destined to be.
On Monday, I went with your mommy and daddy to the midwife, and guess what?? I got to hear you heart beat. Oh, I was so excited I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. It was like that's what made it for real, it was the most amazing experience. I know I've heard some of my other siblings, but I don't remember or I didn't realize the magnitude of what it was. Your heart beat is what told me you were alive. I must go to bed lil one, it's 12:30 in the morning. I love you so very much,

Your Sister,